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problem in the handset of nexus 4

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  • Monday 10 December 2012
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  • Some users complained from  LG Nexus 4 phone , and that on the official page of the Android project which allocated to send problems and requests,
    nexus 4

    they said that there is a problem in the handset caused a faint noise can be heard when the handset is placed on the ear, even when not making phone calls. Some described the sound  like a light whisper and some said it is a clap or a clicks at low level, and there are those who said that he suffered from  jamming while making phone calls.

    It does not seem that the problem exists in all Nexus 4 phones , but just in some devices that have been sold and with a varying degrees,

    So far there has been no comment from Google on the problem. but it seems, according to estimations  it unfortunately is not one of the problems that can be solved programmatically but it seems as certain electronic problem.

    Some users, especially those who have not problem with the quality of the calls for them, they said that it does not represent a big problem for them it just light noise heard only when close the phone to the ear and that not when making calls, but the actual problem is if  this technical error leads to battery consumption.

    As we said, it does not seem that the problem is spread widely, but it is better to wait for a comment from Google or LG to know more about the nature of this problem.


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