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new games for android

Posted on
  • Monday 25 March 2013
  • by
  • General Knowledge
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  • 1- Croods game for android phones
    the croods game
    the game is developed by angrybirds developers . it is from games that depend on building virtual city and farm . it is free to download but you will need to purchace some other tools for the game through the stages
    you can download the croods game from HERE

    2- Real Boxing game reach Android for devices with tegra 3 processors

    it is now for tegra 3 processors . it is one of the most perfect games in reality graphics .. the game is not free The game is available at a fairly high price at about $ 5 at Google Play Store .

    3- earn to die game for android phones

    earn to die game reach android . The Game is available in two versions, free but are limited to, and paid full price of $ 1.19 . Download it for Free from HERE . paid from HERE

    4- The Cartoon Game  " Toy Story " reach  Android 
    it is 3D graphic Game . You can buy the game from store Google Play Store and price is $ 0.99.

    5-Game Real Racing 3 reach  Android for free .

    The third part of the famous racing game Real Racing Reached to Google Play Store For Free
    You can download it From HERE


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    thanks for your words

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