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LG says " Sufficient quantities of Nexus 4 next month "

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  • Monday 21 January 2013
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  • LG Company showed through Cathy Robin " the mobile phones director of the company " in France, and in an interview with a French sites, the main reason behind the supply problems suffered by phone Nexus 4 which  is not available for sale in the official " Google Play Store " a few weeks ago and until this moment.

    Robin said that That Google did not ask for enough phones, and it depended on the amount of previous Nexus phones sales, It surprised of the request that exceeded expectations which caused confusion for LG which are not prepared in advance for such high requests.

    The company assured users who wish to purchase Nexus 4 that it is working to provide the appropriate amount and solve this problem by the middle of next month, after less than a month from now.


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